

10.00 $/min


« I listen to you, advise you and guide you on your path without judgment, with empathy and kindness. Thank you ❤ »

My pseudonym is Kinthia. I'm passionate about esotericism, psychic reading, tarot reading, spiritualism, reading, writing, and always like to learn and question myself about my practice. I've been practicing free psychic reading for eleven years, and now want to make a living from my passion.

I see clairvoyance as help, advice and light on a path that is sometimes blocked. Under no circumstances should you consider the answers given by fortune-tellers as the truth. Take their messages as potentialities, not eventualities. Divination tools are full of symbols, advice and help.

I own various divinatory tools such as the Oracle de Belline, the Oracle Bleu, the deck of 32, the Tarot de Marseille... I've been using them for many years. Now I'm trying to learn how to use Miss Lenormand's decks. I'm also interested in automatic writing, which I also practise. All these practices have taught me a lot about myself, my mistakes, those around me and my future.

I hope to be able to shed some light on your path, by helping you as best I can, by relaying the messages on the cards, but also with what your Guardian Angel (or mine) can give me. My intervention will therefore be twofold. I'll answer your various questions with attention, moderation and a sense of time. I will respect the trust you may place in me by using my services. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

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The expert responds by email

Answer to a question (1 topic)

If you have a question, I'm here to answer it.

I'll answer a question in the area of your choice (sentimental, professional, financial, family or spiritual). I'll do my best to give you as many answers as possible. 

Between 30 minutes and 12 hours maximum
25.00 $

Astrological wheel (global trarot reading for 1 year)

If you'd like to find out what the coming year has in store for you, follow the guide.

I'll draw the cards to give you an overview of what's in store.

The trarot reading is very comprehensive and covers a period of 1 year.

Between 6 and 48 hours maximum
90.00 $

Yes or no answers with the pendulum

I'll answer your questions with either a “yes” or a “no”.

I can also isolate a month to date an event. I would do this, of course, with your agreement.

Between 15 minutes and 12 hours maximum
9.00 $


Customer reviews

Valou 18/03/2024
Bonjour Kinthia, J'apprécie la rapidité, mais surtout la clarté et la précision de vos prédictions. Tout est dit sans contournement, mais toujours dans la bienveillance. Cordialement Valérie
Jawiix 26/09/2023
Une bonne intuition et ligne de conduite m'ayant permis de mieux me découvrir et d'aller un peu plus loin dans la recherche de qui je suis
Pekeschnou 17/08/2020
Désolée pour le retard apporté à cette question au pendule mais mon époux a effectivement trouvé un poste la 3eme semaine de septembre 2018. Merci kinthia
Lunalina 24/10/2018
Comme toujours, cette guidance est à la fois précise et inspirante. Merci de m’aider dans mon cheminement
Lunalina 13/07/2018
Tout très juste concernant mon état actuel. Merci pour votre aide
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