Why Choose Kinthia ?

Satisfaction, is your priority

Time and attendance

You're your own boss. You organize your time as you see fit.


Attractive and progressive remuneration according to the volume of hours worked.


You're not on your own. Our team is there to support you.


You're protected from potential non-payment by your clients.


You can carry out your consultations anywhere in the world. By webcam, telephone, chat, and in writing.

R & D

Kinthia is constantly improving its services to satisfy consultants and experts alike.

Psychic Reading Jobs: Recruiting Psychics and Advisors in the Divinatory Arts

Dear Sir or Madam,

Welcome to our recruitment area. This area is dedicated to job offers for psychic readers and divinatory arts professionals.

The team responsible for recruiting psychics at Kinthia shares with you information about the needs of our platform, as well as the profiles we're looking for.

Would you like to join our English-speaking or international platform? It's very simple, as long as you have genuine psychic skills.

In order to respond to our customers' needs as clearly as possible, here's what we're looking for -— or at least what our customers are looking for :

  • You are a professional psychic (clairvoyant, medium, astrologer, tarot reader, numerologist, magnetizer, etc.), preferably a passionate one.
  • You have real ability. At Kinthia, we're all about quality.
  • You have a strong deontology. No desire to create dependency. In short, you're a good and professional person.

The needs of the platform in order to be able to work on it:

  • You have an active company in United States or abroad.
  • You are of legal age (vaccinations are your choice).
  • You have a photo of yourself (so that our customers can see your loving face) and not anyone else’s.

That's great, I've answered all the above points, but what can the Kinthia platform do for me?

  • The crux of the matter is money — we all need food and shelter.
    Your compensation on a cost-per-minute basis is fair, to say the least.
    You work, you should be properly compensated. The more you invest, the better the reward. Meritocracy is king at kinthia.
  • We do everything we can to bring you as much business as possible. It's a win-win situation.
  • You're your own boss. You organize your time as you see fit.
  • You want to do business without complexity. Our clairvoyance platform is intuitive and modern. You'll receive training. Our team is here to help and support you.

We hope everything is clear. Don't hesitate to contact us if it isn't. You can now send us your application by clicking on the button below. We'll get in touch with you as soon as possible (24h/48h maximum).

I would like to become an advisor