Love Calculator

Love calculator
par Kinthia - Fortune-telling

Have you just met someone, or are you already in a relationship and wondering about your love compatibility? Look no further than our love calculator test tool.

Love Calculator tool

Your information

His information

How Does Our Love Calculator Work?

Using your respective dates of birth and numerology, we’ll give you a number. This number reflects the energy of your relationship. You’ll then be able to understand your strengths, weaknesses and the energy that binds you together. Maximize your powers, reduce and work on what opposes you to strengthen your relationship.

You’ll see that some relationships are strengthened by numerology through good “aspects”, while other birthdates are sometimes even difficult to match. This love calculator will enable you to define your number and find out under which number your relationship is based.

If you’re at the dawn of a relationship, you may legitimately ask yourself if this relationship is really worth investing in? This love calculator will give you the first clues as to how strong your relationship is, and whether you want to give it a chance.

Numerology, as its name suggests, is based on the study of numbers, which in turn is the basis of the Tarot de Marseille. Numerology shows that each number has a unique vibratory force, revealing strengths and weaknesses, challenges and potential. A relationship can always improve over time, but you can also take steps to make your relationship stronger quickly through small, concrete actions. By knowing your unique relationship figure, you’ll already have the first elements.

This love calculator is based on your respective birth years. This is known as theosophical reduction. More clearly, the Theosophical Reduction is the sum of the digits of a predetermined number. By reducing the numbers, you’ll end up with a single number that serves as the basis for interpretation.

This reduced number is then a unique reflection to define your love relationship and gain a deep, introspective insight into it.

Why use numerology for your relationship?

How Our Love Calculator Tool Will Enlighten You:

  • Precise analysis of how numerology will influence your own relationship and therefore your couple dynamics.
  • Clear guidance on how to build on your couple’s strengths and reduce their weaknesses.
  • Spiritual effects: learn to understand numerological influences to understand the spiritual situation of each relationship.

So, with all this information, are you ready to find out what your love relationship can deliver? Then try out our theosophical love calculator – it’s all just a few clicks away! Then you’ll know all about love numerology.

First, enter your date of birth, then that of your partner. Our calculator will then take care of making this theosophical reduction very quickly. Then, you’ll get the number corresponding to the union of your date of birth and that of your partner.

This number will influence your relationship and help you to better channel your partner’s strengths and weaknesses, and to know how to find or rediscover harmony in your relationship.

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