Lapis Lazuli

lapis lazuli

We’ll start by describing lapis lazuli, its virtues and its power in lithotherapy. Then we’ll look at its physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits. We’ll also offer some advice on how to care for this stone (lapis lazuli) according to its intended use.

We also recommend reading our article on healing stones, which can be a real complement.

Once again, we remind you that lithotherapy in no way replaces medical advice.

Characteristics of lapis lazuli stone

Composition Lazurite, Calcite, Pyrite. Sodium aluminum silicate (Na,Ca)8, (Al6Si6O24), SO2
Hardness Between 5 and 6 Mohs
Density Between 2.5 and 3
Colors Azure to ultramarine blue. May contain white (calcite) and gold (pyrite).
Chakras Crown, Third Eye, Throat

Composition of lapis lazuli stone

Lapis lazuli is a blue-colored stone. We call it “lapis lazuli” because it’s a combination of lapis (Latin) and azul (Arabic), meaning blue stone.

Lapis lazuli is a member of the sodalite family. Sodalite is the name given to its main composition: “soda” for sodium and “lithos” for stone. Its dominant color is blue, but it can vary in hue to violet.

Although blue is the dominant color, the stone also contains a kind of golden dust and pyrite. In fact, this stone contains calcite (white), sodalite (blue) and pyrite (yellow), giving it a distinctive and inimitable appearance.

On the Mohs scale, the stone’s hardness ranges from 5 to 6. Its density varies, but is always between 2.5 and 3.

Today, the stone’s main suppliers are located in Afghanistan, the United States, Canada, Chile, Pakistan and the wide-open spaces of Russia. In Chile, lapis lazuli is a stone that has become almost a national emblem, just as jade is a strong symbol of China.

Unfortunately, lapis lazuli is not particularly resistant to knocks, marks and shocks. So you need to be very careful when you own one, and protect it from the slightest indelicate jolt that could make it even more fragile.

History and origins of lapis lazuli stone

As far back as prehistoric times, this stone was used as jewelry.

Later, the Egyptians also adorned lapis lazuli on funerary masks, jewelry and amulets. A symbol of power, purity and health, lapis lazuli reinforced the power of amulets to protect the Egyptians. The link was therefore above all to be protected by this stone and to get closer to the divine. Anything related to the divine field induced powerful protection for the wearer. The Egyptians were very fond of it. This stone was also used to show the wearer’s wealth. At the time, blue stones had a much higher value than gold.

In the Middle Ages, lapis lazuli was used both as a powder for dyeing fabrics and in paint. The stone could also be used ground as a make-up pigment. From a spiritual point of view, as with the Egyptians, the stone protects the wearer’s soul from error.

Lapis lazuli was also used by the Greeks and in the Middle Ages to prevent miscarriage. So it’s clear that lapis lazuli protects against danger.

On a cultural note, the beautiful sky in the Sistine Chapel was painted by Michelangelo, who ground lapis lazuli. This particular hue, a sort of ultramarine blue hue, in the painting is the result. This intense blue is the result and will be particularly popular until the 19th century. Other frescoes, wall panels and columns are also composed using this stone, mainly in religious buildings in the Middle East and Europe.

Properties and virtues of Lapis Lazuli

As we’ve seen, this stone has been used since prehistoric times, particularly by the Egyptians, who attributed certain properties and virtues to it, as well as a certain power. What about today?

Main property or power: communication with others

This stone is recommended in all cases where communication is needed: to feel at ease speaking in public, for example, or to be able to speak fluently. The person wearing this mineral feels more confident about sharing his or her emotions and communicating easily with others. If your primary intention is to use lapis lazuli for its communication-facilitating properties, it goes without saying that we suggest you choose it as a necklace, then very close to your neck area, and therefore to the chakra linked to speech.

Psychic properties

Its blue vibrations bring softness, confidence and comfort, making it ideal for calming andsoothing those prone to minor mood swings. Lapis lazuli is ideal for people who are naturally stressed or under stress. Blue soothes tension and eases emotional knots.

Physical properties (health)

In terms of health, lapis lazuli is said to weaken/reduce or even stop migraines or simple headaches. Its blue color also calms insomnia and promotes well-being. Regulating the headache system, it can also be used to relieve thyroid problems. Also recommended for skin treatments such as eczema and herpes. This stone can also be used to relieve minor skin burns, particularly those caused by the sun.

Spiritual properties

If the Egyptians were to be believed, lapis lazuli would “leap” over our barriers to the spiritual world, the world of the divine. This stone is said to help wearers develop their mediumistic abilities (especially clairvoyance). It would aid divination and enable us to connect directly to the spiritual and divine world. Communication with the spiritual world would then be greatly enhanced by the development of intuition.

The color of lapis lazuli is blue/violet, and the chakras concerned by this stone with its particular vibrations are the so-called “higher” chakras (the upper part of the body, from the head to the throat).

The upper chakra (the crown chakra, i.e. the 7th) commands our own relationship, our own place in the world. Why am I incarnated in this life? What’s my role here? Why have I been reincarnated?

The chakra controlling the third eye (6th chakra) opens it up, enabling us to see beyond physical appearances.

The throat chakra (5th chakra) will either totally release or partially soothe knots, unspoken words and blockages. Everything needs to be made more fluid.

How to cleanse and recharge Lapis Lazuli stone?

We recommend using only water to clean your stone.

To recharge lapis lazuli, it’s best to turn to a cluster of crystals (amethyst being the best-known for recharging stones). Alternatively, you can place your stone on a scallop shell, or leave it outside to let the sun’s and moon’s rays recharge your stone.

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