How to use a crystal pendulum with a photo

how to use a crystal pendulum with a photo
par Kinthia - Pendulum

The crystal pendulum is a divinatory tool derived from radiesthesia, and can be used for divination as well as for finding missing objects or people, not to mention in the field of healing.
Having written several articles on the crystal pendulum and its various uses, this time I invite you to delve into the use of the crystal pendulum with photos. We’ll be answering the question “How can I use a crystal pendulum with a photo?

The crystal pendulum is a divinatory tool derived from radiesthesia, and can be used for divination as well as for finding missing objects or people, not to mention in the field of healing.
Having written several articles on the crystal pendulum and its various uses, this time I invite you to delve into the use of the crystal pendulum with photos. We’ll be answering the question “How can I use a crystal pendulum with a photo?”

Why use a crystal pendulum and a photo?

You can mix the use of a crystal pendulum with a photo for several reasons:

  • Locating a missing person
  • Finding a lost object
  • Finding a pet
  • Feeling a person’s energies from a distance
  • Confirming or invalidating bewitchment or black magic work on a person
  • Work on a person from a distance
  • Read a person’s auras
  • Feel the energies of a place
  • Enter into communication with an entity

Photography is especially useful when you need to work with a person or a place without being able to access it physically. Many psychics work at a distance and need additional support to refine their predictions. In such cases, the photo is the ideal medium to enhance your pendulum’s capabilities. On our clairvoyance platform, regardless of the type of consultation, i.e., whether by telephone, e-mail, webcam, or chat, you can send photos. The clairvoyant can then get a better feel for the person’s energy. The answer transmitted by the pendulum is then more reliable.

However, when it comes to unblessing or bewitching, it’s essential to work with objects that belong directly to the intended witness. Objects in direct contact with the skin have a very powerful energetic essence. They include hair, fingernails and liquids such as blood or seminal fluid. If you don’t have these objects at your disposal, you can use objects worn by the witness: clothing, jewelry, personal objects, etc. The person must have touched the object for a sufficiently long time for it to lock in its energy.

How can I progress in my use of the pendulum? What advice can I give you to help you improve?

Tip 1: Purify Your Pendulum

You probably already know this, but it can’t be repeated often enough… It’s imperative that you understand that your pendulum must always be purified and discharged before any use. This is where you ask me, why purify your pendulum? How do you purify your pendulum? And how to discharge your pendulum?

I’m getting to that… A little patience 🙂

Before any use, your pendulum must be free of all surrounding energies. Whether they come from the place it’s in or from yourself! And yes… The pendulum has the capacity to receive and emit waves. To enable it to function properly, you must first purify it to free it from any waves it may have absorbed upstream.

To purify your pendulum, you have several techniques at your disposal, which we have already covered in a dedicated article.

One of the most common ways of doing this is to use mineral water (and certainly not tap water, as this will damage your pendulum) with coarse salt. Of course, your pendulum must accept this method of purification.

If it can’t be put under water (if it’s made of wood, for example), I’d advise you to leave it on the windowsill, where the moon’s rays can shine on it all night long. If you have a piece of land, even better: place it directly under a little garden soil. This will allow your pendulum to discharge the waves it has received and return them to the soil. These energies will then be naturally recycled at the center of the earth.

If you don’t have a piece of garden, you can always try amethyst geode, which is a perfect solution for purifying your minerals…
None of the above techniques suits you? Don’t worry, I’ve come up with another way to purify your pendulum: buy some frankincense or sage and pass your pendulum through the vapors. Leave it for as long as you’d like.

Why purify and discharge your crystal pendulum before use?

If you’re working with the energies of someone you’ve photographed, the pendulum will absorb the witness’s energies, as well as your own. You’ll need to purify your pendulum both before and after use. It’s a little ritual that’s essential for the survival of your pendulum.

If you don’t purify your pendulum, your results may be falsified, or the pendulum may literally freeze up, showing you its inner turmoil.

When using the pendulum, even before using the mental convention method, which must be repeated every time you try it, I recommend that you always purify and discharge the pendulum. Your results will be much more precise.

Tip 2: Purify Your Workspace

It’s like leaving your home without cleaning it. Well, it’s exactly the same for the pendulum.

It’s not a question of making your home ultra -clean, nor am I inviting you to repaint your home. I’m simply inviting you to have a clear, clean workspace. For this, Feng Shui is an interesting and, above all, logical ally. Avoid working in a space that’s too cluttered, too unhealthy, where there’s little light, or where the olfactory atmosphere is too strong (no strong smells). Energies must circulate freely.

So do a little constructive house -cleaning. Invite positive energies into your home, too, and keep the air from becoming too stagnant. Aerate as much as possible.

Burn some frankincense and play some sacred music. Fill your space with beneficial, reassuring waves. You’ll see that you’ll feel much better too…

Tip 3: Prepare yourself Yourself before Before the sessionSession

The second tip inevitably goes hand in hand with the third, which is to focus on you, not the logistics. It’s best to be in a receptive frame of mind. To do this, you can find various techniques that enable you to immerse yourself in a floating state of mind, where you clearly feel relaxed, well, soothed. You don’t want anything to get in the way.

For this, I recommend meditation (guided or not). You can meditate for a minimum of 5 minutes (especially if you reach that moment of calm and peace fairly easily) or 10 minutes. Even so, 15 minutes is a very fair amount of time, especially if you’re just starting out. You shouldn’t find the meditation time too restrictive either, in which case the trial would be counterproductive.

The more relaxed you are, the more receptive you’ll be, and the more you’ll be able to silence your own inner voices. Indeed, it’s difficult to ask a question without having something apriori, a judgment, a ready-made answer before the pendulum has already given its assent. You must refrain from listening to your own inner self. You’re just an instrument giving an answer to a consultant, nothing more, nothing less.

So, like a therapist, you must maintain a kind of neutrality. You must not want anything in your consultant’s place. You simply have to give them the answer they’re looking for. There’s no room for judgment, or for giving your opinion. Free yourself from extraneous thoughts, and make sure you’re thinking only about your consultant’s question.

Tip 4: Use a Photo that Makes Sense for Dowsing

This is where the fateful question comes into play: which photo to use for dowsing?

For a photo to be acceptable, it must meet logical, common-sense criteria.

First and foremost, the photo of the person you’re going to work on must be recent (generally less than 3 months old); you must be able to catch their gaze, and, above all, they must be alone in the photo. So avoid any kind of montage that cuts out the presence of another person. Your witness must be alone so that the medium can capture the energies of the person photographed. Otherwise, the energies will blend together, and it will be difficult to define whose energies are whose, forming a complex, indistinguishable whole.

Then, as for the format, it can be as digital as developed on paper. Avoid photos on your smartphone, however, as the medium needs prolonged contact with the photo. The professional won’t be able to concentrate if your smartphone goes to sleep every 2 minutes…

It all depends on the medium’s sensitivities: some will ask you for a paper photo, while others will ask you for a digital one, freshly made on that day. Some will feel the need to be able to touch the photo as if they could touch the person. Personally, a digital photo is more than enough for me, especially if it was taken very recently. I’ll capture the person’s energies much better if the photo is very fresh than if it’s 1 or 2 months old. I feel as if I have to dig deep to “catch” the person whose energies have been captured on the spot for weeks.

Tip 5: Load your Your toolsTools

It’s possible to use practical tricks to increase vibration and somehow exacerbate results. Want a simple method and a professional secret to improve your results?

Use a printed decagon (a 10-sided geometric shape). Inside, put a piece of paper where you’ll write down what you want the pendulum to be busy with, its ultimate mission. Leave enough time for the shape and the piece of paper to blend in terms of energy, between 15 and 30 minutes.

You can also choose when in the week to use your pendulum. It is said that certain days of the week are more conducive to a certain type of question. Whether these are superstitions, traditions, or simple beliefs is up to you. It’s up to you to make up your own mind.

  • Monday would be a very favorable day for the medium, since it relates to the Moon, a satellite that is more than important for the entire field of magic. Monday is also linked to questions about travel, home, and meditation.
  • Tuesday is close to “March,”, which is synonymous with fairly strong energy, sometimes involving confrontation and exchanges bordering on aggression. Questions linked to negotiation, exchange, and conflict (family, love, internal) are favored. Justice may also be involved, depending on the nature of the conflict. All third parties have their say.
  • Wednesday focuses on the intellectual pole, studies, and knowledge, as well as travel.
  • Thursday, like Jupiter, favors money, travel, and professional matters.
  • Friday, of course, touches on Venus, and thus on questions linked to love and emotional relationships (family, friends, loved ones), as well as professional ones.
  • Saturday, Saturn’s day, is generally a “heavy” day (although it’s one that all workers look forward to). Given the planet’s “weight,”, it’s a good idea to ask questions that are also heavy for the consultant. Questions about a long-term real estate project, for example, are very meaningful for the consultant.
  • Sunday is a good day for questions about the deceased.

Please note that this is advice and not a dogma to be followed categorically. If you’d like to dig deeper into the question of planetary hours in your pendulum, practice to improve its results.

Tip 6: Make a Magic Circle

As you’ll have gathered from this article, talking about pendulums and photos is a lot like talking about energies. We’ve already seen how to protect your pendulum by discharging and purifying it.

You too, as the pendulum’s host, can come face to face with these harmful energies, especially if you’re working at a distance (or not) on the energies of a third party.

To try and concentrate energies in a circle, it’s essential to create what’s known as a magic circle, also known as a ritual circle. What is a magic circle? How can I protect myself from energies with my pendulum?

The ritual circle is a consecrated place where you impose limits on the energies you wish to keep within. If this happens, the energies will wander all over your interior, and you’ll have to clean up your entire interior, not to mention the people who live there. For limits to be effective, a protocol must be respected.
First of all, I’d advise you to bring along some coarse salt, which will be a very effective boundary. Working in a clockwise direction, mark out a circle with the coarse salt all around you, from the chair you’re sitting on to your table, so that you’re well surrounded.

As you lay down the coarse salt, you can formulate this:
“My power is in the name of him who created heaven and earth, by the power of this almighty name I consecrate this circle to obtain clear answers to my questions. I humbly ask for your help.
May this salt I place here and now be the shield that prevents unwanted energies from troubling me, and may the benevolent spirits guide me in my quest. There is no place here for the bad. Let only the good happen. Only divine light is good, and let the light of darkness be cast out. I am protected. Let it be so.

You can modify certain passages in your own words. In this case, the power of the prayer can be increased tenfold, provided you succeed in making it your own.

You’ll also notice that by orienting your workspace to the east (the position where the sun rises), you’re symbolically asking for light to be shed on your question.

Tip 7: Invoke an External Force

As you’ve already understood, you can also invoke an external force (entity, divinity…). This external force will give you its power and help you to be even more precise in your work.

I invite you to turn to the saints, who all have a role to play. For example: you’ve lost your keys and would like to invoke a saint to help you find them? Pray to Saint Anthony of Padua. Has your pet run away? Ask St. Francis for help: he’s the patron saint of animals. Do you have money-related questions? Ask for the intercession of Saint ExpĂ©dit (he can help you if you have a pressing financial need).

Each Saint has his own role to play. You can either recite a prayer, or formulate it in your own words. If I were you, I’d say a personalized prayer, because the poor saints you’re imploring must be sick of people saying the same things over and over again. Besides, a prayer made with heart and devotion will have more impact than one recited from headmemory.

If you don’t necessarily believe in the intercession of saints, you can always invoke another divinatory force that “speaks” to you naturally. It may have its origins in Greek mythology, pagan mythology, a Gallic divinity… Your belief system will inevitably have a greater impact on the protection you desire, but also on the results you obtain. There are no secrets.

Now that I’ve given you all the tips you need to refine and improve your results, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty: how to use your pendulum with a photo?

How to Use a Pendulum with a Photo?

These tips will help you if you’re a beginner or if you’re more experienced.

First of all, I consider that you have succeeded in establishing your mental convention with your pendulum, which consists in knowing and defining the direction of your pendulum’s oscillations. We’ve already discussed this in a previous article.

I’d like to suggest a number of lessons:

First of all, your position should be comfortable, and you should avoid parasite micro-movements as much as possible. I advise you to stand upright on a chair, with both feet in contact with the floor, so that you’re well anchored and the energy can flow through you.

Now, place your pendulum chain between your thumb and forefinger. I advise you to use your lead hand, i.e., the one you’re most comfortable with. In most cases, this is the hand with which you write. Let your pendulum hang down (leave about 10-15 centimeters). Position your elbow well. Avoid straining your wrist. Take your time to find the most comfortable position possible. Don’t worry if it takes too long. You need to be well beforehand so that the session can take place in the best possible circumstances.

I’ll pass quickly over the context, which must also be favorable to you to facilitate communication with your pendulum. The meditative state of mind you must be in gives you comfort;: you don’t have to think about anything. Concentrate solely on the photo in front of you, on your workspace. Allow yourself to become immersed in whatever is going through your mind as you look at it. Listen to your body’s sensations, which speak to you and already give you some important first clues about your feelings. Then, gently, focus your attention on the person, object, or animal in front of you.

You can then either speak out loud, or in your head if you prefer. There are no rules, except perhaps to follow your instincts. Then state your question clearly and precisely. To accompany you in the work you wish to begin, don’t hesitate to surround yourself with the positive energies around you, the benevolent spirits or divinities who can assist you.
Let your body do the talking. If your hand wants to touch the photo, go ahead. Really listen to your feelings. The most important thing is to be able to make a connection with the photo you have in front of you: some will see the witness as facing them, others will need to touch the photo to get in touch with the witness.
Place your pendulum over the medium you’re interested in. For example, if you’re looking for someone, a pet, or an object, use a map. If you want to work on a person, use their photo and place your pendulum over them.

Wait for the first movements of the pendulum. Give it time. Listen to your intuition, to what your body is feeling. Sometimes you can hear snatches of words, a conversation, see a scene, feel through your body. There can be as many sensations (auditory, visual, kinesthetic (the body)) as there are different mediums. Over time, these sensations become more rapid and precise. These feelings will complement the pendulum’s response. This can take from a few seconds to a few minutes. When you’re just starting out, I advise you to wait until the pendulum’s movements are clearly perceptible and there’s no room for doubt.

Always keep an open mind and don’t close it to the answer you wish to see before your eyes. You don’t have to wait for the pendulum to confirm your intuition. It’s the pendulum that has to give you an answer, not you who has to influence it or dictate its movement (in which case, it will end up doing what you want).

It’s important to write everything down. Keep your psychic apprentice notebook with you at all times. It’s the best way to keep track of your progress.
At the end of the session, before breaking the link, remember to thank all the positive energies around you that have protected you, and also your pendulum, which has made all the work easier for you.

Then, when you’ve finished, put on a pair of household gloves and throw the coarse salt in the garbage can. Above all, don’t touch the coarse salt with your bare hands, or you risk contaminating yourself with any bad energy it may have blocked.

Watch your workspace clear of any residual negative energy (there shouldn’t be much) and become very bright. Say out loud that the session is over and that all the good energies will be thanked. Purify your pendulum and wash your hands with lukewarm water.

We’ve now seen in detail how a session with your pendulum and a photo can work. However, you may still have a few questions, which I’ll answer as best I can.

Frequently asked questions about using a pendulum on a photo

Can I use my own photo with the pendulum?

It’s true that we’ve talked about using a photo of a third party, but not a photo of yourself. So, is it possible to use your own photo with the pendulum? In other words, is it possible to work on oneself?

This is a difficult question. There’s no easy answer. It’s also a question of your own position. It’s difficult to be both judge and jury. If you have the ability to remain as neutral as possible, to treat your pendulum session as if it were another person, then it may be possible. But it’s borderline schizophrenic.

Think of the doctor: it’s hard to be your own doctor. Also, isn’t it said that the shoemaker always wears the worst shoes? All these examples serve to underline the fact that it’s hard to put yourself aside enough to put yourself in the optimum conditions to not want anything for yourself, and that not influencing the pendulum is just as complicated when you’re emotionally involved. It’s important for you to know how to preserve yourself, and this means avoiding making your own consultations. If you’re just starting out and don’t expect anything from your beginnings, go ahead. But it’s better to call on a third party who will be better able to guide you using your photo and his pendulum…

How do you analyze a location?

You can use a map, photos, or even a video to get a better idea of the places you need to study in order to analyze their energies. However, it’s better to come directly to the site to get a deeper feel for it, to detect drops in temperature, to hear whispers… With your physical body (which is heavier), it’s easier to enter into communication with the site.

Is it possible to work on a person’s energies using the pendulum and a photo?

Of course it’s possible, as we’ve seen in our article. However, it’s important to remember (and we can’t stress this enough) that all energy work carries risks.

It also depends on your intention. If your intention is to deceive, to weaken a person, in short, to harm them through a photo, you’ll have to pay the bill. You can’t hurt people with impunity.

Any action taken through a photo must aim to do good to the person, to heal them, to send them beneficial energies, to wish for an improvement in their situation. To do this, you use the photo to connect with the person. Your energies can then meet their energies. Hence the need to protect both yourself and the witness. To do this, you can visualize yourself as having a kind of bubble that is impervious to energies. You can also pray, invoke forces, and, above all, at the end of all work, wash your hands and visualize that any energy residues are evacuated by the beneficial and purifying force of water.

If you encounter problems a few days/weeks after energy work, it’s because you’ve failed somewhere in your protection. Problems can materialize in the form of genuine personal worries, health problems, heavy dreams, an unusual feeling of heaviness, an inability to connect with other spiritual spheres, etc. In short, these signals are a “symptom” not to be taken lightly, and require a lot of attention and will require and action on your part aimed at effective and powerful energetic treatment.

Is the pendulum and photo duo reliable?

Of course it’s reliable. The pendulum and photo duo is reliable, provided you’re in the right conditions. We’ve already discussed the conditions that must be met before any work can begin.

You can also add divinatory supports (Runes, Tarot de Marseille, Oracle Bleu, Oracle GĂ©, Oracle de Belline…) for additional information. Because the pendulum’s answers can be quite “reductive,”, even when there’s no room for doubt or misinterpretation (unless the mental convention, i.e., the direction of the pendulum’s oscillations, has not been understood).

I’d also like to draw your attention to the fact that to get convincing results, you need to experiment again and again until you’re one with your pendulum. As a beginner, your results may be random, which means you need to keep working to improve them.

With all the techniques I’ve explained, there’s no doubt that you’ll improve and perfect your results. Only with time and experience will you achieve more refined results…
We also have a dedicated article on how to tell if the pendulum is lying or wrong. You’ll find plenty of answers here.

If the results are not good, ask yourself the right questions. Some subjects are quite taboo (death, health…), and if you try too hard to abuse these themes, the pendulum may get stuck and stop responding. Also, your intentions must always be positive and must never harm another person. So, if your first intention is to find out if someone loves you, think of it as violating their secret garden. Would you like your neighbor or a former classmate to ask about your private life? Don’t do to others what you wouldn’t like them to do to you. In my experience, it’s essential to forge an ethical framework in order to impose common-sense rules on yourself and others. This sometimes means refusing to deal with a consultant’s question if not respectful.

I can only invite you to continue, and hope that reading this article has given you the answers you were looking for. If not, I invite you to continue reading on this site, which I update regularly, and on the divinatory pendulum section.

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