Tarot Cards: A Guide to Meanings & Spreads

tarot cards
by Kinthia Tarot Cards
I’d like to announce that we’re going to talk about a topic that’s arousing a lot of curiosity…

A tarot deck is a set of cards that can be used in a variety of ways.
In the first instance, it can be used for play. You can play cards with friends, at home or online. You can also use tarot cards to predict the future. And that’s exactly what we’re going to concentrate on.

Each blade (or arcana or card) has a kind of story to tell, where all have a meaning that intertwines in a divinatory reading. Each blade is read in conjunction with the one around it.

Another way of reading the future through a deck of cards: the Oracle. But what’s the difference?

Tarot card interpretation can be daunting: it is rarely innate, but the fruit of long experience and research. If you’d simply like to have a free online fortune-telling reading, we’ll talk about that too.

What is a Tarot Card?

Tarot is the name given to a divinatory tool that always consists of the same number of cards. There are 22 major and 56 minor cards in each Tarot deck.

As the name suggests, the major arcana are the most widely used, as they provide a good basis for answering the question posed by the consultant. As for the minor cards, they provide additional information to the initial divinatory message. Sometimes, too much information can be detrimental to the message, as it can blur the meaning of the divinatory message. This is often the mistake made: we want the maximum amount of detail in relation to a question asked, and so we may be naturally tempted to cover up the cards.

Some people don’t use the minor arcana, as the major ones are sufficient for an accurate and pertinent interpretation.

The essential Rider-Waite Tarot deck

The Rider-Waite Tarot is the best-known deck in the English-speaking world, but did you know that it’s based on the Tarot de Marseille? Well, it’s 100% based… because yes, all Tarot decks are based on or inspired by the original, the one and only Tarot de Marseille created in 1392, following a commission from King Charles VI. The collective unconscious immediately associates the Tarot with the Rider-Waite Tarot, and yet… You’ll find it quite frequently in esoteric stores, it’s over-represented and yet it’s a card deck that’s very difficult to interpret compared to Oracles.

The Rider-Waite Tarot, like all other tarot decks, is based on the Tarot de Marseille and builds its own deck. They take up each blade and its meaning to create another version, another design. For example, blade 0 of the Tarot de Marseille is called “le bateleur”, while in the Chinese tarot, blade 0 represents “l’apprenti” and finally in Rider-Waite Tarot card of 0 represents “The fool”. We therefore understand the meaning of a young character who is just starting out on his journey and is still in a learning posture. He illustrates freshness, candor and spontaneity in the face of an unfamiliar situation.

This tarot is based on numerology, which gives each blade its own meaning. For example, the number 0 stands for departure, initiation, start-up and lack of hindsight or experience. So it was only natural that the 0 card of the tarot should be the Fool’s card.

Many different tarot decks

As we’ve just seen, the Tarot de Marseille has spawned an impressive collection of versions. These include the Miss Lenormand tarot, the Egyptian tarot, the Chinese tarot, the Gnome tarot, the Rider-Waite tarot and more. All these different divinatory versions benefit from a very specific aura and a very singular universe.

For example, the Rider-Waite tarot is in English. But whether the card is written in French or English makes no difference. So if you fall for the French tarot deck that doesn’t have an English translation, don’t stop there. The interpretation of each card will come in its own time. Above all, it’s the design that will inspire and guide you in your interpretations. Every fortune-telling game has its own universe.

So, if the figure of the arcana doesn’t “speak” to you in the Rider-Waite tarot, go to another tarot on which you’ll fall in love. That’s how you can deepen your interpretation. As you go along, there’s nothing to stop you developing a whole collection of tarot cards.

Differences between Oracles and Tarot

Unlike tarot cards, the Oracle has no set rules, either on numerology or on the precise number of cards to be used. As a result, this deck allows successive creators greater freedom. Each one draws inspiration from what he or she wishes to create his or her own version of the Oracle, molding it to his or her own personality to make a completely different deck. No two are alike. The best-known is, of course, the Oracle of Belline. We should also mention the Oracle of the Triad, the Blue Oracle and the Ge Oracle.

Recommendations for drawing and interpreting Tarot cards

These decks must be used with the utmost respect and with the use of precise ethics: confidentiality for the consultants and love for each deck. You must protect your tarot deck by keeping it in its original box.

Make your mind available to ask your question. No distractions, no noise.

How to ask a tarot question?

To ensure that your games understand the question you’re asking, the title must be clear and precise. Exit questions that are too long or badly formulated. Take your time to define your closed question. Your question title should be simple: for example, it should not contain “and” or “or”.

How can I improve my technique?

Don’t hesitate to read books and other sources of information. Experiment too. It’s only through experience that you’ll gain confidence. Rest assured, Rome wasn’t built in a day. So it will take a long time before you’ll be able to read a divinatory medium with ease.

Is a tarot reading infallible?

Be prepared for the result not to necessarily suit you. The deck tells you what can happen, not what will happen.

The reading gives you a glimpse of your life, but your future is not set in stone. A prediction can therefore change completely if you modify your behavior in the face of the situation.

What do the different types of tarot cards mean?

A tarot is divided into 22 major cards and 56 minor cards, for a total of 78 cards.

Inside your deck, you’ll often find instructions on how to interpret all these cards. But this isn’t always the case, so we’re going to explain each tarot card in detail.

Here are the interpretations that may help you with your card readings.

The meaning of major cards of tarot

0 – The Fool:
Card announcing a departure, movement to be expected, a journey, a displacement, a step to be taken, a goal to be reached in order to achieve success.

Emotional drawing: we are disappointed by our unstable relationships. Or with your partner, nothing’s going well, he’s running away from his responsibilities, wanting to take his freedom, causing arguments in the couple. We mustn’t be so impulsive and think about our actions before committing them.
Professional draw: projects are on hold. You’re stuck in a rut and need to take a step back. You’re fed up, you’re not getting everything you wanted. What you’ve produced doesn’t meet your expectations. It’s better to take some time for yourself to breathe a little and then start again.

1 – The Magician:
Obtained in your drawing, it signifies that you are at the dawn of a creation, the starting point of a work, a project, an idea… The person concerned by this drawing is young, intelligent, curious, open. Every project is or will be realized, and all the necessary conditions are present.

But this card can reveal a negative meaning: in this case, the person is confused, scattered, lacking initiative, willpower, honesty and frankness.

Affective tarot reading: the Fool indicates the arrival of a new love. He embodies youth and freshness.
Professional tarot reading: a promotion may come about, a project may be crowned thanks to the consultant’s intelligence.

2 – The High Priestess:
Card of reflection, patience, blocking, slowing down. It’s important not to give up, and to take advantage of this time of reflection to look at other projects to move forward. This blade can represent a mature, experienced, intelligent woman, a mother, a wife, a…

On the negative side, it reveals resignation, passivity, complacency, boredom…

Affective tarot reading: the person concerned is shy, reserved and doesn’t openly express his or her feelings. Feelings are not confessed. This can slow down a couple’s development. Or it may signify a hidden relationship, even adultery.
Professional tarot reading: this is the time to take a step back and consolidate your projects, as the current situation is one of stagnation and inactivity. We must wait to see our efforts rewarded.

3 – The Empress:
Card of charm, seduction, love, intelligence, fecundity and fertility. It may represent a woman in our entourage. It announces the arrival of news, writings and messages.

Affective drawing: there’s nothing but happiness and love. All is well. You’ll meet new people and expand your friendships. Friendships are made and last a long time.
Professional draw: our intelligence brings us success and the realization of projects. It’s a phase that brings a lot of activity and influence, and business deals are concluded quickly.

4 – The Emperor:
The card of power, achievement and fighting spirit, this is a time of activity, not of resting on one’s laurels. It’s time to get moving, to continue your efforts, to persevere, to work hard. Often representing a strong man in your entourage or an intelligent man who will help you.

Affective drawing: relationships are solidly anchored, but not necessarily in the best way, since both people have strong characters and can’t necessarily reach a good understanding.
Professional draw: our character enables us to understand the situation well, to concentrate on its evolution, to go further, and hope to land a more important position. We have solid support.

5 – The Hierophant:
Card of protection and benevolence. Representing a mature man, close to us, who wishes us well, on whom we can rely, who can also transmit a right, an authorization, a blessing.

Affective drawing: it can indicate a reconciliation with a loved one, or a marriage, a strong relationship with one’s spouse that can last well into the future. The feelings conveyed are serene, evolving in a serene, calm, passionate environment. The evolution of a relationship in the future is shown as positive. Hopes will be realized.
Professional draw: if the question is about passing an exam, then yes, success is at hand! Contracts are signed, associations created, everything is signed and has more than beneficial consequences for the future.

6 – The Lovers:
Card of choice, hesitation, a new love, the realization of a love, but everything will happen with caution and hesitation. You’ll have to choose, weigh up the pros and cons, analyze the situation and not rush into something that seems attractive. It may represent a loved one, the arrival of a baby or children already born.

Affective drawing: can express a love crisis, or a desire to find another partner in one’s love life. Or you’re upset with your partner, you don’t like the current situation, you’re disappointed, you were expecting something different. Or the third possibility: our partner’s love is taking us to seventh heaven, with deep bonds that could lead to marriage, a pure and sincere love.
Professional draw: the situation is not conducive to making a decision, since we’re in a fog, with several avenues open to us but we don’t know what to do. The project may be blocked because of this fog, or because of disagreements with the hierarchy. It’s better to wait for a better time to make a decision. Some days are just like that…

7 – The Chariot:
Card of triumph, success and achievement! We’ve been courageous, persevering and our efforts are finally paying off. Everything is moving towards success. We must go all the way, not hesitate, perseverance pays off, we’re on the right track. This is no time to rest on our laurels. The winds are blowing in our favor. Luck is on our side. There’s movement to be expected, movement, travel, maybe even a move. Don’t just sit back, there’s a lot of movement ahead.

Emotional draw: you could meet some amazing people through outings. In the event of conflict, divert it to avoid sinking into a ditch.
Professional draw: one word only: bravo! You hold all the cards for success. But to do so, you need to get to the bottom of things, and not hesitate to push open doors. Success is at the end of the road. You’ve got to keep going.

8 – Strength:
Chart of fertility, development. We achieve a favorable outcome through our efforts.

Emotional drawing: ties are strong, we must not destroy them. If you feel the urge to have a baby, you have every chance of succeeding. If you’re single, you’ll meet someone. But in the end, we can hope for a change in the situation with the help of another person. We’re not alone.
Professional draw: we’re going to succeed, everything’s going to develop quite quickly. Our charm and attractiveness can help us even more.

9 – The Hermit:
This card indicates the need to detach oneself in order to judge a situation. It’s not always a pleasant realization, but we open our eyes. It’s time to take time to question ourselves, to take the time we’re given to pause, to look inward. Observe our life from a different point of view.

Emotional draw: unfortunately, the emotional situation is not at its best, feelings are blocked, not yet revealed. Not everything has been said. The situation is blocked. If the question concerns a future commitment with a loved one, the answer is negative.
Professional drawing: for studies, this card is favorable. But in general, this card reveals slowness, blockages, time seems to slow down, obstacles are present. For the time being, we must be patient, and wait for a more favorable day. We need to take advantage of this time to reflect and really see what we want.

10 – The Wheel of Fortune:
Card indicating that events are about to change. Simply put: the wheel is turning! We’ll be able to evolve, to go further, transformations will take place. Either events will move in a positive direction, thanks to all the efforts we’ve made, but this evolution is caused by what we’ve done before, and we’re reaping the rewards now. But events can also evolve negatively: once again, we only reap what we deserve, and we’ll suffer the consequences of past actions.

Emotional draw: encounters are favored, we need to move forward, everything can be concluded fairly quickly. You’ll expand your circle of friends, and all the circumstances are there to make it happen. You can also make a love encounter fairly quickly, or if you’re already in a relationship, you can hope for an improvement in your love life!
Professional draw: an unhoped-for boost from fate. Exchanges are favored. Everything will change and evolve. You can expect to go further than expected. Chance will intervene.

11 – Justice
Card indicating the need to use one’s intelligence, reasoning and logic. The need for truth, for getting to the bottom of things. If drawn, this card signals the need to find a point of balance, to have an immediate answer to this uncomfortable situation. We’ll be able to turn the page, move on to something else, hope for a new direction. Our case will be studied, and we hope that the best solution will be found. Generally speaking, you only reap what you sow.

Emotional draw: we need to monitor and study our emotional relationships. Do we like this situation? Where do we stand? Perhaps we’re too rigid, too strict, in our emotional relationships, which could explain our current situation. Our emotional ties are unstable, we wonder. Or justice may intervene in a divorce, a lawsuit, an inheritance, a marriage…
Professional draw: professions related to justice and administration are favored. If we’re in an uncomfortable situation, we can expect a turnaround. We’ll regain our equilibrium in the face of a decision we may have to make. This decision will influence our future, but to make the right choice we need to weigh up the pros and cons, taking a step back.

12 – The Hanged Man:
Card insisting on the moment of waiting, we’re stuck, we can only wait, it’s the only solution. There’s nothing we can do, we’re subject to events. Or from a spiritual point of view, withdrawal is favorable: you’re able to sort things out, to detach yourself from everything. At the moment, we’re generally upset, more like a spectator of our life. You have to give up and let things go.

Emotional draw: sacrifices are to be expected. You’ve tried to focus on your partner, and so you’ve forgotten yourself. You sacrifice yourself, but beware of the backlash. We’re in a period of illusions, believing only what people want to see of us. It’s better to let someone down.
Professional draw: unfortunately, we’ve reached a saturation point. You can’t take it anymore, and the consequences are felt even on a mental level. You feel dull, sad, disappointed and inactive. Projects come to a standstill, you walk backwards.

13 – Death:
A card that often makes us run away, we immediately think of physical death, but no, think again. It’s not always a question of physical death, but of the death of one situation for another, for example the end of a celibate situation for a love life… Blade indicating a change, a radical transition, positive as well as sometimes negative if we refuse to move forward.

Emotional draw: if you’re single, you’re in for an encounter that will change your life. And if we’re already in a relationship, we can expect the worst rather than the best: a birth, a life together, or a separation, the end of one story for the beginning of another, a break-up of friends or family.
Professional draw: a new project leads to a change, a major transformation. The page is turned to write a new one. It can also indicate dismissal, resignation or retirement. It’s the end of one project for another that’s more difficult, but more satisfying. The drawing including this blade will give us more details about this change.

14 – Temperance:
Card indicating a happy transformation, a positive renewal bringing joy. It’s all been a long, slow process, but now it’s time to reap the rewards: it’s been a long, hard road to success. We can expect to hear from you. Temperance brings news and dialogue, and reassures us if we’re worried at the moment. There may still be a little time to think things over, but in the end, you’ll be successful.

Affective draw: exchanges are favored, new friendships may be formed over time, but these relationships will continue well into the future. You’ll enter into a relationship with others.
Professional draw: social life is favored, as are transactions and negotiations. You can look forward to an improvement in your professional life, but it will be a slow process. You still have to wait.

15 – The Devil:
Map of violence, abuse, mystery, excess, desire, impulses, wanting everything to achieve one’s ends, even unfairly. Path of desire, many temptations.

Emotional draw: love ties are fusional, passionate, intense. Everything is in excess. You don’t love by halves. Encounters are only one-night stands. Within a couple, it can also describe violent quarrels, fits of jealousy and excessive jealousy.
Professional draw: you’ll be able to assert your authority, your domination over others. Thanks to this, you’ll be able to succeed in your professional life. With the help of others, obstacles will disappear on their own, and there’s strength in numbers. Everything is calculated in advance, you measure the difficulties to better crush them.

16 – The Tower:
Card announcing shocks, upheavals, destruction in general. Demolition in order to rebuild. It’s a sudden, unexpected change to another environment. But perhaps this destruction will be beneficial in the sense that our current situation is not good, boring, full of various problems.

Affective drawing: the weather forecasts rain within a couple, or relationships in general, conflicts, disagreements that can lead to the destruction of a friendship or a love affair: this means the end of the relationship, which is difficult for the consultant to accept.
Professional drawing: it’s best to cover your tracks. The time has come to protect oneself, since nothing in the company is going according to plan: quarrels, conflicts, disagreements with the hierarchy that could lead to dismissal.

17 – The Star:
Carte porteuse d’espoir, d’épanouissement… Nos rêves peuvent se réaliser. Elle dit tout ! Elle apporte la réalisation de tous les espoirs si l’on s’en donne les moyens.

Dessin affectif : les sentiments exprimés sont forts, profonds, sincères, pleins d’amour et d’espoir. Même dans nos amitiés, tout va bien : nous aimons et sommes aimés. Nos amis nous apportent sérénité, bonheur et calme. Rien de mauvais à venir… Que du positif !
Tirage professionnel : quelle que soit votre profession, vous pouvez espérer une réussite, une amélioration profonde de votre condition. Certaines professions sont favorisées : l’édition, l’art en général, l’infographie, la créativité…

18 – The Moon:
Card representing a receptive, sensitive, intelligent person, but also nostalgic, refusing to move forward, living in a world of illusions, dreamer, always in his own little world, this is a person apart. The drawing of this blade reveals our present position: difficulties, conflicts, but all this is simply caused by our misjudgments.

Affective drawing: we withdraw into the family unit, our home. We close ourselves off. We need to get out and not stay in this state. Important events may occur that could explain this state: pregnancy, illness… to better understand the meaning of this card, it is necessary to question the other surrounding cards.
Professional drawing: you become popular, people take an interest in you. Success is visible. We’re the talk of the town. This sudden popularity will bring about an improvement.

19 – The Sun:
Card symbolizing happiness, fulfillment, radiance, joy… Let’s enjoy this delicious moment…

Affective drawing: happiness in the offing… love, joy, happiness brought about by various events: pregnancy, a life together, marriage, reconciliation with a loved one…
Professional drawing: dazzling success ahead. Everything comes together like in a fairy tale. You get everything you want. Success is at your fingertips. What more could you ask for?

20 – Judgment:
Map of sudden movements, unexpected changes. We’ve understood everything we needed to, we have the keys to understanding. You’ll be rewarded, you’ll be reborn, you’ll advance, you’ll go further.

Emotional draw: new friendships, new love, a surprise is in store: the arrival of a baby can happen even if it wasn’t planned. It’s easy to get out of a difficult situation.
Professional draw: changes will come quickly, and unforeseen ones too. You don’t expect it, but it happens. Nothing but positive things to come. You’ll simply be reborn.

21 – The World:
The strongest, best card of the tarot. This is nirvana! Everything’s perfect, you’ve reached a rare moment in your life: everything’s going swimmingly, there’s nothing bad on the horizon. It’s success, glory, radiance, brilliance, pure and total fulfillment. You’ll achieve total and complete happiness, and everything you’ve wished for will be at hand.

Affective drawing: harmonious, perfect, radiant harmony with your partner. It’s crazy love. You’re swimming in happiness and peace. Nothing to complain about.
Professional draw: all projects will come to fruition, all efforts will be rewarded, you’ll be helped. Everything is perfect…

The meaning of minor cards of tarot

Let’s turn now to the remaining 56 cards, known as the Minor Arcana, which clarify the major trends revealed by the Major Arcana. The tarot’s minor arcana are divided into four suits : wands, swords, pentacles, and cups, which correspond to the elements.

For each suit, we’ll look at the interpretation of each tarot card.

Symbolize upcoming movements, projects coming to fruition, action, everything getting started.

Ace: opportunity to be seized
Two: decision to be made, rivalry
Three: short trip, business letter
Four: retirement, building idea
Five: expansion into a new business
Six: difficulties at work
Seven: possible association
Eight: process, transformation
Nine: travel, money abroad, delay
Ten: important success, contracts
Page: letter carrier, upcoming news
Knight: news for a change
Queen: foreigner
King: boss, employer, owner

Linked to feelings, the heart, intuition, passion.

Ace: represents the heart, love, passions
Two: sentimental rivalry
Three: amorous encounter
Four: remarriage, stability
Five: birth, new love
Six: waiting, sentimental crisis
Seven: marriage, union
Eight: end of love
Nine: foreign woman
Ten: important realization in love
Page: for a woman, a lover, fiancé; for a man, a friend
Knight: new love
Queen: devoted, loving woman
King: good, elderly man

Represents the result of action, the material world, stability in the family world, financial affairs.

Ace: fortune, large sum of money
Two: financial rivalry
Three: movement of funds, financial precautions to be taken
Four: gains for the family, wealth to come
Five: new financial business
Six: low-profit work, crisis, difficulties
Seven: contribution of money, success
Eight: debts, crises, possible inheritance
Nine: money from abroad or winnings from lawsuits
Ten: important financial success
Page: wealth through merits and hard work
Knight: money coming in, happy change
Queen: interested rich woman
King: bankers, wealthy

Represents the struggle for success. Transformation to come for thought and communication.

Ace: beginning of an enterprise
Two: rivalry
Three: urgent letter, debate
Four: end of trouble
Five: new activity, illness, progress
Six: difficulties, minor discomfort
Seven: opposition, possibility of victory
Eight: difficulties, serious injury, discomfort
Nine: politics, justice
Ten: important achievement
Page: legal problems, bailiff, lawyer
Cavalier: news for a woman, military support
Queen: widow, divorcee
King: judge, lawyer

What are tarot spreads?

The tarot cards that you put down are called tarot spreads. This refers to the specific order of your cards. Each placement has its own meaning. There are a ton of different spreads, but we’ll go over the two most common.

The three card spread: Past, present, and future

In the three card tarot spread, each card represents a time period. The first card represents the past. The second one represents what is happening in the present. And the last one represents your future.

How you interpret the readings depends on the question being asked. So, your future one could mean tomorrow, or it could mean 15 years from today.

The Celtic Cross

The Celtic Cross is one of the most popular spreads tarot enthusiasts use. But, due to its complexity, it’s also one of the hardest to read.

Many tarot card users misinterpret the deep meanings provided by the spread. I’ll tell you the meaning of each card, but I can’t go into depth about the Celtic Cross spread in this post because it would be waaayy too long.

The Celtic Cross spread contains 10 cards from the deck, rather than the usual three from the previous spread.

Card 1: The Present
This card represents what is happening right now in the querents life.

Card 2: The Challenge
This card represents the immediate challenge the querent is facing.

Card 3: The Past
This card can tell you how the problem came into existence using representations of the past.

Card 4: The Future
This card represents what is likely to occur in the next few weeks or months. NOT the final outcome.

Card 5: Above
This card is the querent’s goal. The best possible outcome from the situation.

Card 6: Below
This card symbolizes the underlying thoughts, emotions, and feelings related to the challenge.

Card 7: Advice
This card gives advice based on all that is happening in the querent’s life.

Card 8: External Influences
This card reveals the external factors like people, places, or things that will influence the outcome of the solution.

Card 9: Hopes and Fears
This card is very difficult to interpret. Hopes and fears are similar. This card can reveal something we automatically perceive to be a fear, but it could be a hope. Self-sabotage is a dangerous power in some people.

Card 10: Outcome
This card represents where the situation is heading and how the issue will be resolved.

Tying it all together

Understanding each individual suit and the card is important to understand the meaning of your tarot card readings.

But… just as important, is to understand the meaning of the overall symbolism of your reading. The “vibe” if you will.

If you’re reading for someone else, don’t try to be a mind reader. That will make it more difficult than it needs to be. Work with them to brainstorm and figure out what the spread could mean in relation to their life.

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