This article contains a wealth of information on the use of healing stones and crystals, and how to protect yourself from negative energies. Lithotherapy is a method of healing with stones and crystals. Discover our complete guide to healing stones and crystals.
What is Is Lithotherapy, Healing Stones?
Lithotherapy is a Greek term, composed of two roots: lithos = stone and therapia = cure. Stones are used as a means of healing and relieving physical/emotional ailments. The Earth itself would then provide us with the first elements to heal our ailments in the same way as plants. Nature does things well.
However, this therapy is not recognized by the medical profession.
Lithotherapy: History & Culture
Lithotherapy, the use of stones and crystals for health, has been used for centuries by civilizations all over the world. Over time, however, we have moved away from the healing powers of Mother Nature towards pharmaceutical drugs. As a result, certain ancestral powers and knowledge have disappeared, both through lack of maintenance and because of the discrediting social context of the time. Indeed, the pharmaceutical laboratories did everything in their power to establish their authority and legitimacy, making lithotherapy look like a practice from the Middle Ages. When it comes to money, it’s all about power, and some fight better than others.
However, it all depends on the culture, since in Asian countries, “medicines” are “recipes” derived from one or more plants.
In France today, rare doctors prescribe only plants to combat certain ailments: colds, flu, gastro-enteritis… This is known as phytotherapy. But that’s a whole other subject, which doesn’t concern us in this case.
Warning About Healing Stones
There’s an essential first point to be made beforehand, so that we’re talking about the same thing and so that you’re well-informed both for reading this article and for your future use of it.
Using healing stones in no way replaces medical treatment. You can and should treat yourself with conventional medicine. But there’s nothing to stop you using lithotherapy to help you with your problem, especially when it brings you real comfort. Think of lithotherapy as a complementary therapy, not as the only way to cure yourself or relieve your physical/mental symptoms. Also, never abandon a treatment without medical advice.
If someone tells you that medicine isn’t the right way and urges you to stop treatment, run away from their influence won’t do you any good. Worse still, this irresponsible attitude is punishable by law.
Now that we’ve agreed on the same thing and explained our philosophy to you, we can get to the heart of the matter.
The Benefits of Healing Stones for People
We live in an energetic environment where imbalances can be perceived on a physical or psychological level. Some people are more sensitive than others. So how can you feel imbalances through your body?
Some people, unknowing mediums, see their abilities expressed through heightened empathy, when they come into contact with certain people or places. They may experience headaches, dizziness, goose bumps and intense fatigue. All these symptoms, which of course have no medical cause, can be explained by the person’s ability to sense environmental imbalances.
You may have experienced at home a severe cold wave or sleep disturbance, emotionality, uncontrollable fears, the feeling of being spied on (also without a medical reason)… This may mean that an entity is close to you and trying to communicate with you.
How can stones help you? They can help you develop your esoteric potential, or channel your abilities… We’re going to develop this possible use.
However, you may be a complete novice and want to discover what lithotherapy has to offer. In either case, you’ve come to the right place for information!
Stone Properties
Every stone has its own properties. In esotericism, we often use stones to protect ourselves from others (from their energy, climate, emotional overload…). But how do we go about it?
Which stone or crystal should I use to relieve various ailments? Which stone should I use to get pregnant more easily? Which stone should I buy to protect me from bad energy? Which stone should I use to develop my medimunity?
Stones have many different properties. One stone can have several properties.
We can’t list all the properties of all stones. But we have selected those that will be most useful to you in everyday life. If you have more specific questions or need further guidance, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments.
Stone for Meditation
Whether indigo, yellow or green, tourmaline is useful for meditation, calming mental agitation.
Stone for Anchoring
Anchoring is defined as staying “connected” to the Earth. If, for example, you have problems stayin in your imagination too often, you may find a remedy in the use of anchoring stones.
Here are a few effective anchoring stones: red stones such as red jasper, agate, carnelian, rock crystal, emerald, smoky quartz, and red-brown zircon. The latter is often radioactive, and may contain traces of uranium and thorium. So be careful.
Stone fore Developing Your Esoteric Potential
Rock crystal is ideal for mediumship. It develops psychic faculties (clairvoyance, intuition, clairaudience, telepathy, psychometry, concentration, visualization, etc.). It also increases energy reserves. It is advisable to combine it with other minerals to amplify their vibratory properties. It removes blockages and stimulates energy circulation.
Stone to Free Oneself from a Burden, Repair One’s Aura
Zircon amplifies the vibration of the etheric body and repairs holes. It removes karmic implants and the legacy of past lives.
Stone to Boost Vitality?
Get yourself a flame agate, which boosts vitality and stimulates the body’s healing powers. In the same vein, fire agate is a good tool for increasing physical stamina.
Stone to Aid Memorization
During exam or training periods, you may be looking for a stone to stimulate memory. For this, use violet fluorite.
Stone to Attract Love
Chrysoprase is reputed to attract love into your life, and this apple-green variety of chalcedony helps you find your soul mate. Russian amazonite, with the same composition as Brazilian amazonite, is a stone of harmony. It favors the expression of love. Peridot associated with rhodocrosite maintains a good relationship with someone. Rhodocrosite is a soothing stone, helping to heal both physical and emotional wounds.
Stone to Aid with Conception
To aid fertility, we recommend orange moonstone coupled with chrysoprase. Orange moonstone can also be combined with red garnet.
Chakra Stones
What is a chakra? It’s an energy center located in the astral body. A chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit. I’m talking about the 7 main energy centers.
Each chakra has its own color and is attached to an organ, an endocrine gland, a sense, an element, a function, a musical note, a day of the week, a planet in the solar system, or a stone. Each chakra vibrates at a particular frequency. They run from the beginning of the spine upwards to the top of the head.
If a chakra is closed, energy flows poorly, or not at all, and imbalance ensues. A chakra that doesn’t react properly can lead to physical or mental illness. It must be perfectly open, neither too much nor too little. Stones have a role to play in body and emotional therapy.
Why use stones in combination with the chakras? The energy of the stones placed on the weakened chakra helps to re-harmonize all energies and the body as a whole. For example, stones can be used to rebalance the body.
If you’d like to work on your chakras, here’s an example of stones to associate with them.
- 1st chakra (root): The color of the coccyx energy center, also known as the security center, is red. It is therefore associated with coral, carnelian, garnet, red jasper, cross stone, and ruby.
- 2nd (sacral) chakra: The color of the sacral energy center, also known as the sensation center, is orange. It is therefore associated with stones such as orange calcite, carnelian, fire opal, sun stone, spinel, and imperial topaz.
- 3rd chakra (solar plexus): The color associated with the plexus energy center, also known as the power center, is yellow, reminiscent of stones like: amber, yellow aventurine, yellow apatite, citrine, heliodore, yellow jade, tiger’s eye, sulfur.
- 4th chakra (heart): The color of the heart energy center, also known as the center of living love, is emerald green. It is associated with stones such as moss agate, amazonite, green aventurine, chrysocolla, chrysoprase, dioptase, emerald, jade, kunzite, noble opal, and green tourmaline.
- 5th chakra (throat): The color of the larynx energy center is sky blue, linked to stones such as aquamarine, angelite, blue calcite, blue chalcedony, celestine, lapis lazuli, blue topaz, turquoise.
- 6th chakra (3rd eye): The color of the energy center in the forehead is indigo, as are the stones named: azurite, cavansite, covelline, indigolite, lapis lazuli, sodalite, blue sapphire, tanzanite, indigolite tourmaline.
- 7th chakra (coronal): The color of the head’s energy center is violet, which in turn recalls the stones
like amethyst, charoite, rock crystal, danburite, violet fluorite, petalite, purpurite, sugilite, violet tourmaline.
Protective Stones
Some protective stones have a boomerang effect, sending bad intentions and thoughts back to the sender, like the eye of the tiger. Cacoxenite also has a return-to-sender effect.
I’ve had feedback from a family member who wore it and found protection against the nastiness she received.
Mind you, the aim is not to hope that the person sending the bad energy will suffer a backlash. The only aim is to protect yourself. Avoid all waves related to the desire for revenge. It’s not healthy. Divine justice will accomplish its purpose. Let it happen.

Tiger eye
Stone for protection against negative environmental influences
Another protective measure is black tourmaline, which protects against electromagnetic radiation and all negative external influences (excellent action in combination with shungite).

black tourmaline stone
Stone for Absorbing Negative Energies
- Black obsidian or celestial eye protects against dark entities by aligning and purifying all chakras. It sends out vibrations of love.
- Labradorite absorbs negative energies. It charges quickly, so it needs to be recharged quickly.
- Black tourmaline protects against occult and electromagnetic energies.
Soothing Stones
There are calming stones, such as rose quartz. It is beneficial for children. It is the best-known stone. It relieves crises, restores harmony in relationships, and enhances gentleness. Rutile quartz, like aquamarine, helps overcome fears and anxieties.
Rhodonite soothes emotional wounds and strengthens emotional bonds. It can help us bring to light repressed negative emotions, transforming and eliminating them. Orange calcite restores morale, smiles, the joy of living, and conviviality.
Brazilian amazonite soothes anxiety, and can be combined with coral for self-confidence.
Stone for Finding the Light
Sunstone strengthens the personality, energizes and is good against depression. It helps you cope with negative people.
Stone for Emotional Release
Fire opal works on inhibitions, releasing pent-up emotions. In addition to this aspect, it helps to find true love, aids procreation, and facilitates childbirth. It should not be placed in the sun, as it does not tolerate it.
How to Select the Right Stone or Crystal
Here you are, in a shop selling stones. What’s the next logical step?
Touch the stones, smell them, feel them. Emotions are bound to arise. Let the current of emotions flow through you.
Some stones attract you without explaining why or how, and that’s where you should go. Don’t try to rationalize these things. Sometimes, mystery is charming! If you don’t feel anything, don’t persist.
Sometimes you’ll come for a particular stone, and end up with another, and/or an additional “coup de coeur” purchase.
Among all stones, you’ll distinguish two kinds
- rough stones (unworked).
- stones cut by man or machine.
Some people prefer rough stones, fresh from the earth’s womb, or cut stones, which are smoother and softer to the touch.
If you’re buying a cheap stone, make sure it’s the real thing. If the price is low, it may be a synthetic or glass stone. If it’s too shiny, too perfect, there’s a risk of rip-off. For this reason, don’t hesitate to visit specialized stores and ask the salespeople for advice.
The advice of salespeople is essential for neophytes. Indeed, you could get lost, as a stone sometimes comes in several varieties, (the color differs and changes its field of action;, the country of origin also modifies the result). For example, Mali diamond crystal is vibratory ranked behind Mexico’s biterminate crystal, the first being Herkimer’s diamond crystal and far behind China’s diamond crystal.
Purifying Your Stone
There are several purification techniques available: distilled salt water, holy water, tap water, under a trickle of water, immersion. It’s advisable to use only cold water. Hot water will damage the stone.
For example, leave your stone in a small purification bowl, immersed in water, for as long as necessary. It’s up to you to judge how long your mineral should remain immersed in water.
Water used for this purpose absorbs negative waves. It must not be reused. You should flush it directly down the toilet or sink, without ever coming into contact with it. If necessary, don’t hesitate to use rubber gloves.
But beware: some stones cannot stand water. The advice of your dealer or information on specialized websites is essential to avoid breaking your stone. In this case, use sun or moon purification. Leave your stone or crystal exposed to the sun and moonlight for a whole day.
Energizing Stones
Recharging restores power to stones. There are various methods for reinvigorating them.
Bear in mind that some stones tire more than others, especially if you wear them a lot. It’s up to you to cultivate your relationship with your stone, to know its needs and treat it with respect.
Reloading on a Stone
Reloading can be done on a quartz cluster or an amethyst geode. If it closes, even better. Allow a day to recharge your mineral.
Recharging in the Sun or during a Full Moon
In the sun, allow 1/2 day in summer. Place the stone on your windowsill.
But beware: not all stones react equally well. Beware of direct light for amethyst, ametrine, kunzite, and rose quartz, among others.
Full moon phases are preferable. Otherwise, other moon phases are also suitable, but less effective. Place your crystal outside, in a garden or on a windowsill.
Last words
Minerals interest me for their beauty, their capacity to help morally, physically, or psychologically. They are there so that I can help those I love. I can only thank them. To think that they come from here or there, that they were buried in the earth and come to us for our benefit, is simply magical.
For those who are interested in stones and don’t know anything about them, I’d advise you to get in touch with mineral stores, of which there are plenty, especially in big cities, or else there are sites that sell directly online. But nothing beats seeing and touching a stone before you buy it.
For the best use of stones, we’ve detailed everything you need to know. It’s not just about buying a stone. It’s alive and needs care. So respect it and listen to it. This will strengthen the bond you cultivate with your minerals.
It must be nice to see gems in their country of origin, to get to know the land that gave them birth, to discover the nature of the site. Failing to take you there, I leave you on a note of disorientation with all these stones from the 4 corners of the world.
And so ends this article on lithotherapy. I hope I’ve taken you on a journey and inspired you to delve deeper into this interesting subject.