Esotericism Definition & Meaning

Esotericism Definition
par Kinthia - Fortune-telling

Esotericism is an all-purpose word with multiple definitions. Esotericism can be found in various religions, occultism, and mysticism. It also covers a range of different techniques, which we’d like to examine together. What is esotericism? How is esotericism practiced? Who can practice esotericism? These are just some of the questions you might be asking yourself. I’m going to answer them in this article.

What Is Esotericism?

Generally speaking, the word “esoteric” refers to practices, knowledge and skills that are shared only by those who are “initiated.”. This small, secretive group is highly selective, which reinforces the sacred force of the knowledge and gives rise to mystery and the cult of the sacred. It therefore excludes the majority of the population.

If we refer to the etymology of the word “esotericism,”, we break it down into several parts. “Eso” comes from the Greek word for interior. So it’s a kind of self-knowledge, a set of practices taught to reach the sacred meaning of spirituality, of life in the general sense of the term. By transforming what I know within myself, I’m better able to discipline my mind and achieve a fine-tuned knowledge of the world around me, a heightened spirituality. In any case, esotericism has crossed all eras and aroused many fantasies.

The word esotericism is opposed to the term “exotericism,”, as a vector of knowledge from the outside, and therefore known to all. The power of secrecy is no longer in question. There is no initiation in exotericism, unlike esotericism. Aristotle, for example, distinguishes between esotericism (occult knowledge) and exotericism (knowledge intended for the masses). We reserve jealously-protected knowledge for only a handful of disciplines. The codes for the nuclear bomb are given only to the chosen few!
In a way, it’s as if esotericism represented a kind of way of thinking about nature, about the emptiness of things, giving a different order of thought from religion and linking proven facts (science) to another kind of knowledge, a different order that science doesn’t recognize as a viable model. The universe would then be made up of signs or symbols, for example, which would have to be decoded, with each current having its own interpretation.

Esotericism would be a kind of current of thought reserved for an elite who, by dint of constant effort, learn to master their inner selves, their emotions, to learn to decode the symbols establishing their own knowledge. The master would then teach his pupils this hidden meaning that only a few initiated people can know. The aim of esoteric spiritual practices is not only to achieve greater self-knowledge, but above all to transform oneself into a better version of oneself, in other words, to get closer to perfection. I receive a teaching from a master, who teaches me and helps me to transform myself.
These spiritual teachings include reiki, magnetism, shamanism…
Also, they become a source of interest and spread into the culture, where, eventually, they are disseminated on a wider scale.

Esotericism in Culture

Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code has sparked a new wave of interest in esotericism, and a desire to unravel mysteries that religion doesn’t necessarily answer. In addition to this book, films such as The Matrix and The Lord of the Rings have also turned the spotlight on esotericism. Not to mention TV series that have democratized esotericism, making it almost popular and attracting new followers. These include, of course, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Charmed, which inspire teenagers and introduce them to witchcraft and spiritualism.

Esotericism encompasses the divinatory arts (the Oracle Belline, the Oracle Triad, the illustrious Tarot de Marseille, the pendulum in psychic reading), as well as research into saints and angels via the mirror hours, or the practice of knowledge: reiki, feng shui, magnetism, astrology. There is a renewed interest in cultivating a spiritual life more in tune with the anxieties of the 21st century.

Esotericism is back in the limelight. To say you’re interested in esotericism is to be “hip,”, and even the stars are getting in on the act, daring to flaunt their beliefs to the general public. Like Madonna, who makes no secret of her membership of the Kabbalah group. Discussions of esotericism are no longer marred by mockery and judgment.

How Do You Get Started in Esotericism?

It all depends on what attracts you in the first place. You probably already have an initial affinity. Naturally, for example, you may be attracted to divinatory media to practice divination, or to stones to get closer to lithotherapy or magic…

To find ourselves connected to another sphere, or to put ourselves in a state that favors a connection with the beyond, we often first need tools. Esoteric and spiritual stores abound. But beware, prices are free and can vary from simple to double. So don’t hesitate to visit several stores.

If you can, go straight to the esoteric stores and get hold of the various tools available: divination aids, incense, candles, plants, books, stones… Because every art has its own object.

A tip for a good esoteric practice

Make sure you’re well surrounded by initiates, or even an initiatory society, so you don’t remain alone in your practice and get locked into a practice that can cause you to lose touch with reality. For this, don’t hesitate to visit sites and perhaps even chat with students on esoteric forums. As far as possible, stay from people who are completely obtuse, so as to keep one foot in reality and not lock yourself into a world devoted solely to esotericism.

We all have an opinion on esotericism. While science refutes these practices as “unprovable” from one individual to another, science should not be put on a pedestal as a dogma of truth. In which case, science would know everything about everything and tell us what to believe and what to reject. For all that, science does not validate religions… What if we simply let people believe what they want to believe?

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